
Robertsbridge Bonfire Society

History of RBS

How it all began:
1895: The earliest records that we have found of a Bonfire Society in Robertsbridge
1906: Society was disbanded when the government banned such street celebrations.
1938: The society reformed, but then the following year wartime broke out and that was the end of it for many more years.
1990: That is until John Goldsmith and Kate Noble were chatting one night in the George Inn and the seed was sown.
On December 6th 1990 the Society was re-formed.
1995: Formation of the Robertsbridge Rabble
1999: John Goldsmith steps aside to become President and Graham Lee becomes chairman (currently the longest serving chair)
2001: Flooding of the village prevents the use of the recreation field, meaning the event is scaled back to a token bonfire and relocation of the firework display to Salehurst Primary School and the area in front of the George Inn
2005: Pete Claridge becomes Chairman for the first time
2007: Sue Paine steps up to be our first female Chair
2009: Roger Palamarczuk becomes Chairman
2012: Samantha Moon moves from Secretary to Chair
2014: Peter Claridge becomes Chairman a second time
2015: Our 25th Celebration, marked by a ground breaking video effigy
2016: Crowned the 1st Inter-Bonfire Firework Champions
2017: Rob Lawrence Steps in a Chairman
2018: RBS Effigy & Pyro team are commisioned to present a video effigy at Alexandra Palace
2020: Ria Paine also makes the move from Secretary to Chairman
Also the Covid year - No event held but a Firework display was still provided for the village. We Wunt be Druv!
2023: Recreation ground under 3ft of water 18hrs before set up began!.... We still Wunt be Druv!