7am - Traditonally a maroon signals the start of Bonfire Day in Robertsbridge and heralds the arrival of our members at the Recreation Ground to begin the set up - The Recreation Grounds & Pocket Park will be closed to the public from this point.
2pm - Judging of the Guy Competition
6pm - Road Closure order commences
Parking in the village is suspended
7:15pm (approximately) - A maroon signals the start of the procession from the Station
8:30pm (approximately) - The procession arrives at the Recreation Ground and assembles around the Bonfire
8:45pm - Robertsibridge Bonfire Society (RBS) lead Bonfire Prayers before the Bonfire is lit
9pm (approximately) - Grand Fireworks Display
Our road closure is from 6pm until 10pm. This covers our procession route, Station Road, The High Street, George Hill, The Clappers & Northbridge Street.
All vehicle movement in the Road Closure area is prohibited.
Any vehicles found to be in contravention of this order will be reported directly to the Police.
Parking in the village is limited and we do not offer a designated parking area.
A parking suspension is in place in conjunction with the closure order.
Vehicles left in the road closure area could be towed if they present a hazard to safety or crowd control
Robertsbridge Bonfire Society accepts no liability or responsibility for any damage caused to vehicles left in the road closure area.
A fee may be payable for the release of any vehicles that have been towed
The Procession will leave the top of Station Road at approximately 7:15pm.
We will then proceed down station road and turn right on the High Street and proceed up George Hill.
The procession will then turn around at Heathfield Gardens and proceed back down George Hill and turn left back on to Station Road.
Continuing along Station Road and turn around at the Station.
On the return from the Station, the procession will then turn Left onto the High Street and follow the road along the Clappers and finally turn left into the Recreation Ground.
Spectators must keep to the paths and off the road. You will be asked to move!!
We ask that all spectators spread out around the village to view the procession.
Anyone stood at the junction with Station Road and the High Street will be asked to move to allow the procession route barriers to be moved and the event to continue unhindered.
We ask that spectators gathering at the clapper, to please spread out along the road to allow the procession clear access into the recreation ground.
The Procession will arrive at the Fire site at approximately 8:30pm
Visiting societies will gather around the fire and chant the Bonfire Prayer after which the bonfire will be lit (approximately 8:45pm).
The General Public will not access the Recreation Ground, but are invited to view the event from the Clappers, or the hump back bridge by Grey Nichols.
We ask that people spread out along the Clappers to ensure a safe and comfortable viewing for everyone.
There are other vantage points around the village from which to see the firework display but please be aware that all access points to the recreation grounds & pocket park will be closed
(timings are approximate and subject to change without notice)
The aerial Fireworks display and Effigy will take place from the Recreation ground at approximately 9pm
The timing for this is approximate and is dependent of safety clearance as well as weather conditions.
Please note, large area around the display site, which incorporates the field behind pocket park, up to the river as well as the area in front of the old mill, will be closed to the public both for access and viewing.
This area and the safety area in front of the display are closed off for the safety of our spectators.
This area also constitutes the fall out zone for the display.
Checks will be carried out prior to and during the display that this area is clear of spectators.
Anyone found here will be asked to move and the event will not proceed until this has happened.
Please note that the Firework Display will be loud as is traditional with a Sussex Bonfire Display
This is located at the Cricket Pavillion to the right of the entrance to the recreation grounds.
Space is limited and contact prior to the event is essential if you require access to this area.
Revive Medical are our contractor this year, providing First Aid at the recreation ground.
If you need assistance, please ask one of the Marshals that will be present along the procession route and around the village
Located at the Recreation Grounds, where and RBS Marshall will be able to assist you.
DO NOT pick up any discarded torches
DO NOT throw Fireworks. It is an offense for members of the public to discharge fireworks in the street.
This could lead to you being arrested.
DO NOT bring your children in flammable dress up items
DO NOT place children in buggies directly next to the path of our procession route
DO Observe and adhere to any marshal instruction and remain behind the barriers or on the pavements
DO be aware this is a very loud and smokey event
DO be cautious in regard to flying embers from our torchlit procession and dress appropriately
RBS will not be held liable or responsible for damage to clothing, garments or personal effects and equipment.
CHILDREN must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times
This information is to ensure you, your family and your visitors have a safe and enjoyable evening
RBS do not accept any liability for any loss, injury or damage incurred during the event and remind those that are attending that they do so at their own risk. RBS makes every effort to ensure the event is safe and friendly.